The EHS Expansion Capacity-building Series is a three-part training module provided “live” online.

Our live instruction is an explicit, capacity-building training with one goal – to prepare you to obtain excellence in your program operations. We have live training events once a month (per series).

There are many conditions that are essential, yet basic, to the success of these programs. In this series, we expect to leverage our experience(s) through working with numerous EHS (CCP) start-ups, specifically since the expansion in 2015, to discuss best practices and capacity-building actions. We will explore through a sequence of online training events, essential resources, and tools that contribute to a program of quality,

We will explore over the upcoming weeks the following topics:

Each “part” will be prefaced with an article (like the one you’re reading now) written by a subject-matter expert in their field of expertise. In some instances, these articles will be written by current federal-adjacent employees and/or contractors, in which case, they will be identified by their tenure and scope of work (to protect the innocent…or guilty… depending on your perspective). Nevertheless, their insight, as you will discover, will be invaluable.

Each purchase includes a “certificate of completion”:

In our live courses, an expert instructor guides you through the material with detailed information and examples. You interact with the material by completing exercises to check your understanding of key concepts.

Live Training

Our professionally produced budgeting-allocation module, concise, and easy-to-digest <em>(normally $450).</em> The module is easily opened in Excel with an intuitive front-end framework and produced in-house to ensure you receive the most current and relevant version.

Budgeting Module

Receive a one-hour consultation with a subject-matter expert in a system of your choice. Participants can use this one-on-one hour to ask follow-up questions not asked during the training or pick their brain about a totally unrelated topic. It's up to you!

One-hour Consultation