We invite you to join Billy Starr, MBA-CGAP (former fiscal monitoring manager for DLH-Danya) and Vincent Dabney, MBA-PMP (liaison for OHS Monitoring & Disallowance Review Board) as we provide a full day of expert engagement in navigating the challenging lanes of implementing and operating an efficient grants & fiscal management department for Head Start and Early Head Start. Whether your challenges are in monitoring or operations, they will address topics through case-studies and effective model validations on how to execute sustainable oversight and resolve operational concerns before they become a growing issue. Participants can also expect to hear what’s on the horizon in Head Start’s fiscal and administrative management; as well as build capacity with best practices and advanced approaches. More importantly, you will hear from participants that work with decision-makers and were involved in the development of today’s current monitoring tools and resources. It will be a full-day of interactive content provided by subject-matter experts with over forty years of first-hand knowledge.